
Bold Challenges is seeking input from the University of Michigan research community on 2025-2026 Pollination event themes.

Do you have a novel idea that requires interdisciplinary collaboration? Bold Challenges wants to hear about it! Pollination events are in-person opportunities for U-M researchers to network, share ideas, meet potential collaborators and build communities of experts around topics of mutual interest. Each theme-based event brings together interdisciplinary groups of researchers to focus on activities that generate exciting research questions to produce transformative solutions and improve the quality of life for our communities, state, nation and world.

During in-person Pollination workshops, expert facilitators provide tailored activities for attendees to mix and match to meet potential collaborators and partners, brainstorm research problems and solutions, get advice from U-M experts on how to increase the probability of successful team development and grant seeking and plan the next steps for their new collaborations and/or projects.

Please submit themes you’d like Bold Challenges to consider for a Pollination Event via this Google form by September 30. Three theme submissions are allowed per person. Everyone who submits a response will be eligible to win a $25 Zingerman’s Gift Card (one entry per person). 

Pollination Events

(An In-Person Opportunity to Network, Meet Collaborators, and Build Teams)

Bold Challenges Pollination Workshops bring together diverse researchers from all three U-M campuses to spark innovative solutions to complex societal problems. These events provide opportunities to ideate and collaborate around the 2024 Bold Challenges themes: 

  • Advancing Human Health at Scale 
  • Adapting to Changing Environments
  • Creating Sustainable Energy Innovations
  • Improving Lives through Next Generation Infrastructure
  • Building Trust and Strengthening Social Connections 

During the two-hour, in-person workshops, attendees will mix and match to meet potential collaborators and partners, brainstorm research problems and solutions, have opportunities to get advice from U-M experts on how to increase the probability of successful team development and grantseeking, and then take the next steps on a wide range of ideas.

One of these steps is to apply for Bold Challenges’ Boost program, which offers research development consulting, project management support and up to $75,000 to advance research ideas. 

Past Events

photo of a panel event on a stage in Ruthven Hall, featuring Arthur Lupia, Maggie Allen and Greg Keoleian
photo of the February 20 Bold Challenges event, Arthur Lupia speaking into a microphone, standing in the middle of the audience
photo of Ravi Allada giving a lightning talk at the February 20 Bold Challenges event



Improving Lives through Next Generation Infrastructure



Creating Sustainable Energy Innovations



Adapting to Changing Environments



Advancing Human Health at Scale



Pursuing Interdisciplinary Research Opportunities at U-M



AI for the Public Good: Building AI at U-M Visioning



Smart Health Care Systems for Equitable Access



Sustainable and Equitable Solutions for the Housing Crisis



Universal Access to Healthy Water



Resilient, Equitable, and Carbon-Neutral Physical Infrastructure



Better Health Outcomes through Better Built Environments